The Symposium brought together more than 170 specialists engaged in the treatment of cancer patients not only in Chelyabinsk, but also in other cities of the region. The event was aimed at improving the educational and professional level of practical oncologists. This year the international status was assigned to the Symposium following the agreement on cooperation between Russian Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (RASSC) and Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) signed in June 2019 in San Francisco.

First Deputy Governor of the Chelyabinsk Oblast Irina Gekht and chief doctor of the «Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Center of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine» academician Andrey Vazhenin emphasized the importance and necessity of supportive therapy for cancer patients. According to Irina Gekht, delivery of high-tech care, application of cutting edge technologies and use of latest medications in management of cancer patients would be impossible without aligned development of such areas as supportive therapy.

Doctors, students, and residents received the most up-to-date information about current global and national range of supportive therapy opportunities in oncology.

Special attention was given to the issues of psychological support for both cancer patient and the doctor himself. Oftentimes doctors focus all their attention on the efficacy of antitumor therapy, feeling responsible only for the result of treatment, ignoring patient’s emotional state and worries. Approaches in helping cancer patient and his/her family to handle such strong emotions as fear, pain, and anger were narrated to oncologists by a clinical psychologist from «N. N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Centre» Anna Kan in her lecture «Talk to me».

Fertility preservation and pregnancy safety issues in young women diagnosed with breast cancer were for the first time elucidated by senior research associate of «N. N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Centre» Anastasia Parokonnaya within the framework of supportive therapy Symposium. With the development of molecular genetics, such issues are increasingly seen on the agenda of rehabilitation activities dedicated to the problem of breast cancer in young women.

The world leader in the field of supportive care, President-Elect of the European CanCer Organization (ECCO), leading expert of Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) Professor Matti Aapro (Switzerland) has shared with colleagues the state of the art data on nausea and vomiting prevention in cancer patients. Based on the experience of European colleagues, he showed that suboptimal compliance with clinical recommendations worsens the results of nausea and vomiting prevention, even with the use of the most modern antiemetics.
Valeria Saevets, an oncologist from «Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Center of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine» shared her own experience with implementing peritoneal port systems implantation technique in patients with metastatic ascites into clinical practice.
The safety aspects of innovative medicines were highlighted again. This time the discussion on the prevention and treatment of adverse events associated with immunotherapy and targeted therapy (CDK 4/6 and angiogenesis inhibitors) was not only scientific, but also practical. RASC Chairman Anton Snegovoy and RASC Executive Director Inessa Kononenko shared with Symposium participants their personal experience with correction of adverse events induced by innovative treatments.

All participants of the Symposium had the opportunity to join the RASC, as well as to become members of MASCC for free. Free MASCC membership is available until June 21, 2020. During this period all members can enjoy free online access to the materials of conferences on supportive care in Oncology, to the official MASCC magazine «Supportive Care in Cancer», extended access to the content of the website, etc.


Symposium's video